The KONA CAVE® Travel Bed is a game changer.
This easily portable, thickly padded travel dog bed is proven to help keep your dog calm, comfy and secure.
Dogs are territorial by nature and crave having their own familiar space for comfort and security. Traveling with their own bed is calming for your pup and helps to relieve the anxiety of being in new or busy places.
Unlike traditional travel dog mats - which are usually thin blankets awkwardly carried with a short handle - the KONA CAVE® Travel Dog Bed is a beautiful, thickly cushioned, folded dog bed, that protects your dog’s joints and is easily carried via comfortable shoulder straps.
Take your dog with you everywhere you go. Whether you’re in a restaurant, friend's home or outdoors your dog will always have a comforting, cozy and clean place of their own.
Scroll down for more information.
KONA CAVE® Quality:
Folded: 30cm long x 40cm wide x 7cm thick (12" x 16" x 3")
Open: 60cm long x 40cm wide x 3.5cm thick (24" x 16" x 1.5")
Ideal for small to medium sized dogs up to 25 kg (55 lb)
Folded: 40cm long x 45cm wide x 9cm thick (16" x 18" x 3.5")
Open: 80cm long x 45cm wide x 4.5cm thick (32" x 18" x 2")
Ideal for medium to large sized dogs up to 45 kg (110 lb)
Travel Beds are strategically sized to keep your dog comfortable in their designated space.
This is the best! We've had this bed for years. It washes well when needed with a mild/wool detergent, and has gone on many adventures with us and our pups. It's so nice knowing our pups didn't have to lay on cold or dirty floors (especially our older pup that had arthritis). Sadly we've since lost both pups due to old age and cancer, but our new rescue pup is now enjoying the same comforts.
Nachdem wir uns die Travel Mat zugelegt hatten, die unserem Vierbeiner überall einen gemütlichen Ort zum schlafen bietet und uns dadurch entspannte Ausflüge egal wo hin, haben wir uns jetz auch das Cave bed gekauft. Unser Hund (Jack Russel Mischling) liebt sein neues Bett. Es ist so weich, man möchte sich am liebsten selbst rein legen. Wir sind mit beiden Produkten mehr als zufrieden. Optik und Qualität sind top, deshalb eine absolute kaufempfehlung.
This traveling dog bed is amazing!!! Barney loves to come out with us to dinner, cafes and pubs...and now he is more comfortable than ever. It is beautifully made, and people are shocked it's a dog bed. What's truly wonderful about it is that anywhere we go....Barney feels comfortable and safe. Our adventures around the world with Barney would not be nearly as wonderful without the Kona Cave travel bed. We literally don't leave home without it!
We often bring our dog with us on the weekends to lunch and shopping, but hate that he’s laying on the dirty restaurant floors. This tote bed (which I saw on a blog), is such a good idea. It’s really light and you carry it just like a handbag. When you get to the restaurant, it opens into a full, padded bed pad. Our dog loves it and he stays in one place on his bed, instead of getting in the way of all the people. He seems to really like the sheep fur on the pad.
What a great idea when you are out with your four-paw-pal! I no longer feel guilty leaving my dog on a cold or wet floor when dining!